For our Service this week our Speaker is Cory Kolodji sharing his journey as a Reluctant Atheist.
Bio : Cory “Huckleberry” Kolodji grew up in Baltimore, Maryland but has lived his entire adult life in Northern Minnesota where he taught science for nearly 40 years in the teeny tiny town of Chisholm.
He has books about adventures available including :
- Last One to Katahdin Wins about hiking the Appalachian Trail and
- The Adventures of Chuck Finn and Huckleberry Godfrey about paddling the entire Mississippi River.
Join us IN PERSON @ 10:30am
LIVE ZOOM is available
- April 14: Spirit Connection Service :
- Barbara With & Emily Christenson
- May 5: Speaker : Ellie Schoenfeld
YouTube channel with recordings of past Services
Extended Zoom Link
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