
Sunday Speaker: John Schneider
Nov 10 @ 10:30 am – 11:30 am

John Schneider

with his Talk “The Science of Wholeness and the Teachings of Dr. Joe Dispenza.”
Sunday Speaker: Del Canto Duo
Nov 17 @ 10:30 am – 11:30 am
Lifelines collide – brought together by friends, an open mic night & a shooting star, Bel Canto Duo was
founded in 2016 by looping artist & cellist, David Downing, and multi-instrumentalist, Darci Gamerl. Bel
Canto’s mission is to create meaningful connection and community by creating world-class music that is
accessible to audiences of all ages. Their compositions combine lyrical, poignant lines with a rich, orchestral
Offering immersive live music paired with evocative imagery, reviewers have described Darci & David’s
performances as ‘magical’, ‘music that speaks to my soul’, with a ‘unique and emotive sound’.
Bel Canto Duo has grown organically, focusing on the science of healing music modalities, community
building and accessible live music. Darci & David’s work has shifted into the preservation and highlighting of
American culture & heritage with new original music for the films, Nebraska Flatwater, Willa Cather:
Breaking The Mold & an upcoming residency highlighting the work of American sculptor, Daniel Chester
As members of the Nebraska Arts Council Touring Artist Roster, the pair received the Outstanding New Artist
(2023) award by Omaha Entertainment Awards, Best Wedding Music by Nebraska Wedding Day
(2023, 2024) & the finalist award for the American Prize in composition & the Ernst Bacon Prize for the
performance of American music (2023).


Speaker: Barbara With
Nov 24 @ 10:30 am – 11:30 am
BARBARA is a Board Member of our church and for decades an Author, Workshop Leader, Musician and Channel.
She found us in the late 90’s from Madeline Island.
Sunday Speaker: Chuck Crom
Dec 1 @ 10:30 am – 11:30 am

In 1995, as part of the transformation of his life and his chiropractic practice,
Chuck Crom began his exploration of spiritual and metaphysical ideas, concepts
and practices.
In the last three decades, that exploration and journey has taken many forms.
There was a deep immersion in a variety of channeled sources of information
such as Neal Donald Walsh, Ron Scholastico & The Guides, Jane Roberts & Seth,
Mary Ennis & Elias, Serge Grandbois & Kris, the Course in Miracles and many
There were many types of healing modalities that were explored and extensively
utilized, which also became the source of a great deal of understanding regarding
how the body and consciousness moved as one.
Many spiritual philosophies were explored, including Druidic, East Indian,
American Indian and South American Shamanism, mystic Christianity, Buddhism,
Gnosticism and others.
Information contained in the offerings of the Kabbalah, Sacred Geometry and
Sufism, were also explored. As were many other sources of deep wisdom
All of this was set against a background of continually moving toward a deeper
connection or awareness, with those aspects of himself that experienced
themselves as eternal.
This was experienced in many forms, including automatic writing about five years
ago, as he would share information in blog form on various platforms.
Voice channeling began in January of 2022, in association with the publication of
an audio podcast series. This was followed by the recognition of another presence
in his awareness, as he began voice channeling for a small group of friends on
Sunday mornings, in the late spring of 2023.

Sunday Speaker : John Schneider [Change]
Dec 8 @ 10:30 am – 11:30 am
BIO: John has been a student of the spiritual and metaphysical principles for nearly 20 years. Ever committed to experiencing the promises the Masters have offered us throughout the ages. 


Sunday Speaker: Robert Aho
Dec 15 @ 10:30 am – 11:30 am
💒 This week our Speaker is Robert Aho
     with his talk titled “REMAINING at EASE DURING TURBULENT TIMES”.
Robert is the author of Timeless Luminosity and The Frog: A Spiritual Autobiography, Spanning Many Lifetimes.  After experiencing death during a heart procedure in 2016, as well as another in 2021, Robert has focused on writing and speaking about this luminous wisdom that is inherent in all of us.  It is who we really are.  Robert is also an architect, photographer, poet, artist, tree hugger, among many things interested in much that life has to offer.
Sunday Speaker: Janice Hymas
Dec 22 @ 10:30 am – 11:30 am

Speaker: Janice Hymas has been a member of the Bruno Groening Circle of Friends (COF’s) for 10 years.
She currently leads the Duluth community of the COF’s. Bruno Groening became widely known in the
1950’s in Germany following mass healings that occurred when he spoke to crowds of people.
Thousands walked away healthy by simply listening to his words. Groening taught about a natural,
divine energy that helps and heals available to everyone regardless of nationality or religion. He taught
how to connect and absorb this energy to obtain health, inner freedom, ease, and joy in life. Healings
continue to occur today as they did during his lifetime.
Janice will talk about Bruno Groening and an additional lecture will follow to share his teachings and
how to take in this divine energy. For more information, visit our website at

Speaker: Barbara With
Dec 29 @ 10:30 am – 11:30 am
BARBARA is a Board Member of our church and for decades an Author, Workshop Leader, Musician and Channel. She found us in the late 90’s from Madeline Island.
Jan 5 @ 10:30 am – 11:30 am

Topic: Becoming a Bridge and Not a Wall; Unlocking the Grudges that Keep us Trapped.

Drake is a trauma informed and culturally relevant certified life coach, meditation instructor, stress reduction consultant and public speaker in Minneapolis/St.Paul
and all around the metro area.  By utilizing yoga and grounding techniques, he teaches a relationship to agelessness and
thriving in the midst of modern challenges.  Stress reduces our connection to our intuition, natural wisdom and natural healing abilities.  Drake supports his clients in grounding themselves by using a blend of ancient and modern tools through simple practices.  In this way, we can access our inner resources that center us, even as the world changes. 
He demonstrates that we are then able to find nonlinear methods to de-escalate conflict.  Drake has been doing meditation practice since childhood and has over 35 years experience working in supporting personal growth in the midst of life’s challenges.
You can look for his video series on both physical and mental stress reduction and de-escalation techniques on his YouTube channel:
“Touching The Edge”.
Sunday Speaker: Kristy Marie Nur Jehan Chisti
Jan 12 @ 10:30 am – 11:30 am

Kristy Marie Nur Jehan Chisti

“Rise Up Singing”