
New Earth Study Group
Oct 9 @ 12:30 pm – 2:00 pm

Steve Plasa and  Carolyn Sheets



Sunday Speaker: Adam Sippola
Oct 16 @ 10:30 am – 11:30 am

Workship available in the afternoon.

The Workshop:
Crossover Circle – Relatefulness Fundamentals and Focus Practice
Lake Superior Interfaith Community Church
Sunday, October 16th, 1-3pm
$20 (nobody turned away due to lack of funds)
Ages 18+


Adam walks a Crossover spiral path in service of Life and its confluence of Consciousness and Love. He’s committed to inner union and deep self-intimacy, and is called to guide and be with individuals and groups at thresholds of healing and transition, welcoming dark and light, listening to each body’s wisdom and honoring inherent wholeness. He offers biodynamic craniosacral therapy, embodied soul work, relatefulness circles, and singing/performance. He offers sessions out of his home studio, publicly in the Twin Ports community, and in person and online in the wider Earth community. For more information about Adam’s offerings, visit

Workshop: Crossover Circle
Oct 16 @ 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm

With Adam Sippola

Crossover Circle – Relatefulness Fundamentals and Focus Practice
Lake Superior Interfaith Community Church
Sunday, October 16th, 1-3pm
$20 (nobody turned away due to lack of funds)
Ages 18+
Event Description:
Relatefulness is an evolving set of practices, methods, and collective ways of experiencing and exploring reality with others in the present moment often pointing us toward more truth and love. In relatefulness circles, we enter into a relational meditation (mindful relating) where we practice “the art of being with” – being with ourselves, with each other, and with what arises in the relational space between us. We gather together and practice bringing our awareness to our experience of the present moment, exploring what it’s like to be us in the emerging now.
If you want more love and honesty in your relationships, and to learn to bring presence and authentic expression into connection, this is for you. Relatefulness can highlight our relational blind spots, help us become aware of our patterns, triggers, shadows, wounds, and adaptive habits, and can have profound impact on our sense of belonging and bring about healing experiences of feeling seen, understood, loved, and whole.
This Crossover Circle isn’t group therapy. Still, subtle and powerful transformation, growth, and wakefulness often happen in practicing relatefulness as we have the opportunity to slow down enough to be with the heart of the moment, and shine the light of awareness on what arises.
Book Sale-Donation Drop-off
Oct 23 @ 10:00 am – 1:30 pm

Book Sale Donations drop-off time

Sunday Speaker: Lisa Cerri
Oct 23 @ 10:30 am – 11:30 am
New Earth Study Group
Oct 23 @ 12:30 pm – 2:00 pm

Steve Plasa and  Carolyn Sheets



Annual Meeting & Sunday Service – with Rev. Phyllis McCoy
Oct 30 @ 10:30 am – 11:30 am
Book Sale-Sunday
Oct 30 @ 10:30 am – 1:15 pm

Book Sale in Church Basement

Sunday Speaker: Rev. Jasmine Phoenix
Nov 6 @ 10:30 am – 11:30 am

Lisa has been a LSICC member since 1998. In addition to her diverse professional experiences, her travels include her native Southwest and, recently, Mexico. A seeker since the late 70’s, she has been trained in and practiced a number of forms of healing/energy work.

New Earth Study Group
Nov 6 @ 12:30 pm – 2:00 pm

Steve Plasa and  Carolyn Sheets