
Speaker: Emily Christenson and Barb With
Dec 17 @ 10:30 am – 11:30 am
Sunday’s presentation is by Barbara With & Emily Christenson who will both bring their expertise in communication with ones on the “Other Side.”
Our own Board Member, Barbara, has been a professional Channel for nearly 50 years.  Every month she brings through our “Partners in Spirit.” Emily is a professional Medium who first spoke here in October.  She returns now to bring us a live demonstration of Evidential Mediumship. She is local medium & healer who also uses guided paintings and her shamanic studies to support people in their spiritual journeys.
Sunday: Joyeaux Noel (Merry Christmas) Video
Dec 17 @ 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm
The movie title is “Joyeaux Noel”. Joyeux Noël (English: Merry Christmas) is a 2005 dramatic war film based on the unofficial Christmas truce of December 1914, depicted through the eyes of French, British, and German soldiers. (Info. from Wikipedia) This Christmas truce allows soldiers from opposing sides to gain insight into each other’s way of life and to realize how we are all interconnected and that without an enemy there can be no war.
Here is the link to the IMDB website with all the information about this award winning film 
Sunday Speaker: Sue Brewer
Dec 24 @ 10:30 am – 11:30 am
 This week our Speaker is Sue Brewer
         bringing us a Talk in keeping with the Season.
              Sue is a long-time Member of our Community 
               and it is wonderful she can lead us this week
                       with both a Healing Meditation and 
      a Message of her reflections for us to be guided by.
   She has served our church in significant ways over many many years!
        Frequently as a Trustee on our Board.. including as Secretary..
                                           currently and in the past.
               Also for 2 years as Co-President about 10 years ago.   
             Truly she has been in service to our growth and stability.
                             THANK YOU SUE!   We are Grateful!


Workshop: Mystical Blueprint- Collaging Event 2024
Dec 30 @ 9:00 am – 12:00 pm
            A WORKSHOP @ Church in our Community Room 
                  9am – 12noon —— Saturday December 30
                                 MYSTICAL BLUEPRINT : 
                    COLLAGE MAKING EVENT FOR 2024
     Enjoy together: Short meditation & Visualize our next year!
                       Led by Kim Luedtke & Mo Sholly
                                           Tuition  $40 
          Everyone welcome. Not dependent on ability to pay. 
                           All materials & snacks provided 
                  ✂️ except BRING YOUR OWN SCISSORS ✂️
PLEASE REGISTER – It’s gonna be FUN – We need to know how many! 
                 text 218-279-5026  or  email [email protected]
Sunday Speaker: Aaron Tank
Dec 31 @ 10:30 am – 11:30 am
 Aaron Tank:  Founder & Publisher of The Vessel, a holistic magazine serving the Duluth community, is also a musician! 

He will bring us a meditation exploration in song, that we may all participate in, as we close the year and open to the next. 


Sunday Service: Board Sharing Gratitude and Vision   
Jan 7 @ 10:30 am – 11:30 am
This Sunday is a time for GRATITUDES & VISIONING
We will Honor our ACCOMPLISHMENTS IN 2023 & OUR PLANS for 2024. 
We will REPORT from OUR BOARD about our 2024 BOARD RETREAT held January 4.
We will share a Vision Ceremony on January 25 : the Full Moon. 
If the ICY CONDITIONS persist we will hold our Service on ZOOM only.
Watch for a Weather Update on our website  or our FB Page.
Sunday Speaker: Arna Rennan
Jan 14 @ 10:30 am – 11:30 am
This Sunday our Speaker is Arna Rennan
an Artist. Musician. and Spiritual Seeker.
Her topic is Plein Aire Painting : A Meditation in Open Mindedness


Speaker: Barb With and Emily Christenson
Jan 21 @ 10:30 am – 11:30 am
BARBARA is a Board Member of our church and for decades an Author, Workshop Leader, Musician and Channel. She found us in the late 90’s from Madeline Island. She is now on an inspired World Tour : teaching a World Peace model that Einstein and others channeled through her to share.
EMILY is an Artist, Workshop Leader, Creator and Medium living near Two Harbors.  She also was guided to us through Spirit this past August.  She uses her paintings to provide even more connection for her Mediumship clients.   
We welcome both to our SPIRIT CONNECTION SERVICE.
Sunday Service: Rev. Walter Sipila
Jan 28 @ 10:30 am – 11:30 am
Rev. Walter Sipila is speaking this Sunday, January 28.
For 23 years, Rev. Sipila has been a student of Emanuel Swedenborg’s Revelation.
He will relate what Johnny Appleseed called – The Good News, Fresh From Heaven. –
        As Walter says, 
“ Let’s begin with Divine Love, and Divine Wisdom, and our stages after death.
        Then let’s just see where it goes….  “
Sunday Speaker: Glenn Tobey
Feb 4 @ 10:30 am – 11:30 am

Title: The Art of Coming Home.

Glenn is a licensed psychotherapist in private practice in Duluth, MN.

He has studied and practiced Spring Forest Qigong for about twenty years, and was designated a Qigong Master by Grandmaster Chunyi Lin in 2015.

He has woven an appreciation of Western Medicine, Psychological theory and perspectives, and Eastern philosophies of healing into an evolving understanding of a healthy way of living, physically, emotionally, and spiritually.