
Sunday Speaker: Kathleen Abel
Jun 25 @ 10:30 am – 11:30 am
KATHLEEN ABEL will bring us her insights in these times of Earth’s Ascension.
    Also she will have her Saxophone.. joined by piano she will bring us some music as well!
    She’s a past Member who now lives near LaCrosse & we are delighted to welcome her !
    Also she’s GIVING A CONCERT & TALK : JUNE 23 at the UU Church.
    We will have a flyer on this which we will email out tomorrow!
Sunday Speaker: Rev. Coni Carter
Jul 2 @ 10:30 am – 11:30 am
Sunday Special Program on Peace at Noon
Jul 9 @ 12:00 pm – 1:30 pm

We are joining for lunch at 11AM before the Event at Noon.

“World Wide Action to End the Age of War”

Barbara With is holding a special event, a world-wide broadcast calling for the “participation of the willing” to take part in a “world-wide non-violent action to end the age of war.” There will be no regular Sunday Service on July 9th.

Join us for a very special channel with Einstein and the Party and take up the challenge to become the change using Conflict REVOLUTION®

*Register in advance for this Zoom meeting if you can’t join us in person at 12 Noon:

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing a new link and information about joining the meeting.

July 9th is the 68th anniversary of the Russell Einstein Manifesto, Einstein’s last public statement he ever made. In it, he and nine other Nobel Laureate scientists outline the disaster that a nuclear war would create and urge world leaders to find peaceful ways to resolve conflict.

Barbara will do a special presentation, including reading the Manifesto and then an Einstein channel. Einstein will be speaking on how Conflict REVOLUTION can transform our energy from “Them vs Us” and inspire us to bring an inner peace that can be reflected outwardly to end the need for war. There will be an opportunity to ask questions at the end.

*On that day, we will be starting the service at Noon, with Lunch beginning at 11 AM, before the Service. Then at Noon we will gather in the sanctuary, as well as on ZOOM by new link, to hear these messages and hold ourselves in prayer during these dramatic times on Earth. 

THANK YOU ..  Please join us!

Sunday Speaker: Dr Mitzi Doane
Jul 16 @ 10:30 am – 11:30 am

This Sunday it is our delight to welcome Dr. H. Mitzi Doane as our Speaker.  Her message is titled Turtles: Messengers of the Power of Spirit. She is a recently retired professor of Public Health and Psychology from UMD after 45 years.  She continues to practice as a clinical Psychologist with the Duluth Psychological Clinic and has been practicing part-time as a Psychologist for the past 43 years. In addition, Dr. Doane (who prefers to be called “Mitzi”) studied under Reverend Hutchinson for 6 years back in the 80s until he moved away.   Mitzi is a theist in the broadest sense of the term but identifies as an Episcopalian. We are grateful to have Mitzi bring both her wit and wisdom to share with us!

Sunday Speaker: Cassandra Bachtell
Jul 23 @ 10:30 am – 11:30 am
Sunday Service: COMMUNITY  SHARING. 
Jul 30 @ 10:30 am – 11:30 am
This Week we will have COMMUNITY  SHARING. 
Our TOPIC is Spiritual Connections with Loved Ones on the “Other Side.”
Please come prepared to share our stories .. with those who have not yet shared going first.
          Thank you all for your stories and sharing the podium with all who wish. 
Sunday Speaker: Rev. Jasmine Phoenix
Aug 6 @ 10:30 am – 11:30 am
Sunday Sing and Share: Barbara With
Aug 13 @ 10:30 am – 11:30 am
This week we welcome Barbara With 
who will bring through our monthly message
as she channels our partners in Spirit to speak with us.
We will hear their message about our church and we – 
       the Community who gather.
We will have the opportunity to ask questions of these friends in Spirit. 
       There will be a microphone set up for us to use 
and questions will be taken from our zoom attendees as well. 
         Please join us !  All are Welcome to participate.
The guideline is that we stay with the subject of our “sturdy little church”
         and our on-going RENEWAL.
Sunday Speaker: Sherry Rogers
Aug 20 @ 10:30 am – 11:30 am

Sunday 8/20/23- This week our Speaker is Sherry Rogers from Minneapolis. Her topic is Talking With the Other Side.
As a young girl, Sherry Rogers had many blackouts and simultaneously awakened to inner voices. Some were NDE OBE experiences. It took years to gain trust in the voices when her family didn’t understand. In 1994 a dramatic NDE led her to deep study of many healing modalities.
Her inner voices now help guide her with clients as she uses Healing Touch with PureVibranz NaturaLasers along with SEFT tapping for in-person and distance healing.

We welcome you Sherry and look forward to hearing your stories!

Sunday Speaker: Joel Kilgour
Aug 27 @ 10:30 am – 11:30 am

Sunday 8/20/23- This week our Speaker is Sherry Rogers from Minneapolis. Her topic is Talking With the Other Side.
As a young girl, Sherry Rogers had many blackouts and simultaneously awakened to inner voices. Some were NDE OBE experiences. It took years to gain trust in the voices when her family didn’t understand. In 1994 a dramatic NDE led her to deep study of many healing modalities.
Her inner voices now help guide her with clients as she uses Healing Touch with PureVibranz NaturaLasers along with SEFT tapping for in-person and distance healing.

We welcome you Sherry and look forward to hearing your stories!