
Sunday Sing and Share: Barbara With
Sep 17 @ 10:30 am – 11:30 am
Barbara With brings us our monthly Sing & Share Service. 
As a professional channel for nearly 50 years she connects us with our partners in Spirit, plus is sometimes our Song Leader too!
Sunday Speaker: Gary Boelhower
Oct 1 @ 10:30 am – 11:30 am
Our Speaker today is Gary Boelhower
who will present on his recent book,
              CHOOSE WISELY
Practical insights from Spiritual Traditions.
He is professor emeritus at The College of St. Scholastica.
At CSS and UWS and in workshops across the country
he regularly teaches in the areas of healthhumanitiestheology and ethics,
leadershipaging with meaning and purpose, and accessing inner wisdom.
He is a writer of poetrynon-fictionchildren’s stories and scholarly articles.
As always, we welcome him with gratitude, warmth and anticipation!
Sunday Speaker: Emily Christenson
Oct 8 @ 10:30 am – 11:30 am
Sunday’s presentation is by Emily Christenson… local medium & healer who also uses guided paintings &
and her shamanic studies to support people in their spiritual journeys.
This is her first for our community on Mediumship…  we will hear that it is now growing widely today.
As has happened before .. 
Emily was led by her guides to visit our church last August as a kind and welcoming community.
We will hear,  from her & her spiritual guides  of her years of study with teachers & tutors 
in this country and England.  
   We welcome you so warmly , Emily!
Sunday Sing and Share: Barbara With
Oct 15 @ 10:30 am – 11:30 am
This week we welcome Barbara With for a Sing & Share day.
She will bring through our monthly message
as she channels our partners in Spirit to speak with us.
Sunday Service: Speaker – Steve Plasa
Oct 22 @ 10:30 am – 11:30 am

My topic is “Creator Warns Us What to Expect Beginning November 2023”


Annual Meeting & Sunday Service
Oct 29 @ 10:30 am – 11:30 am
Sunday Speaker: Kate Pearson
Nov 5 @ 10:30 am – 11:30 am
Our Speaker this week is Kate Pearson,
  a long time Member in our church Community.
 is the topic she has been guided to speak about. 
 For decades Kate has been on the path of 
              wholistic health & healing:
      Starting in the 1980’s she began study
                   of the Universal Tao
     with Master Mantak & Mannewan Chia.
She became Certified in these healing practices 
         & taught in the Midwest & Canada.
This also was a time for guiding individuals in their 
    spiritual, emotional & physical journeys.
In 2000 she was early to study with Master Lin &
      brought Spring Forest to the Northland.
She continued her practice of guiding individuals as well.
       Then 9 years ago the Universe directed Kate 
                    to let go of her outward focus 
                         & bring her focus within
              Since 1979 she also has had Lupus &
          as so often, a long journey with health 
               leads us to growth in our inner life 
                    & this is true for Kate as well.
                    This has included, since 1980, 
        consistent work with the deep spiritual work 
                          of 12-Step Programs.
              Kate, we thank you and welcome you
       for all you continue to contribute in our Community.
Sunday Speaker: Robert Aho
Nov 12 @ 10:30 am – 11:30 am
Robert Aho will guide us through the development of Buddhism :
                      from its early beginnings to its pathways into Tibet and other
                      Asian roots.. into today where it still lives vividly in these times
Sunday Speaker: Virginia Hurley
Nov 19 @ 10:30 am – 11:30 am
Our Speaker is Virginia Hurley who is bringing a combination 
    of her Message on Healing and our Healing Meditation
                 combined into a new model together!
She has deep roots in Spiritual Studies.. beginning as a young child.
“(She was) raised a Catholic but was blessed to have an Irish Aunt
        that understood what having second sight meant and
          began working with (her) from the age of four.”
  In the early 70’s she found the First Spiritualist Church of New York..
         or it found her!  There she found mentoring and teachers.
          In 1979 she was ordained as a Spiritualist Minister.
Virginia has been a teacher of Psychic Development and Tarot.
     She lived abroad for 11 years and taught English in Poland
                 at the University level and younger levels.
       Her move to the Northland in 2020 was from Houston TX
                  and has also lived in Washington DC.
   A traveler who has now settled here and found our sturdy little church!
             We welcome you Virginia.  We will keep learning together!
Sunday Speaker: Sharla Gardner
Nov 26 @ 10:30 am – 11:30 am
Her topic is Following the Spiritual Path as a Citizen for Peace.
She writes “I  consider myself an active citizen and peaceworker.”
This started early.. as a young mother in 1969.  However in the 50s her dad, returning from WW II, 
nurtured her early awareness and desire for peace to prevail.
Over the years she remained an active involved citizen, until her most public work began 
when she served 2 terms on the Duluth City Council 2008-2016.  
She remains engaged in politics now as an Elder, intentionally mentoring several women who now serve
in our State Senate, St Louis County Board and Duluth City Council. 
In 2021, another significant step for peace emerged when she was specifically recruited to serve in the Leadership Circle  of our local Grandmothers for Peace. 
Throughout her journey, she’s been grateful and aware of serving her original values as a peace activist 
who started young and has carried on through her adult life.
We are honored to Welcome you Sharla as a gifted and consistent example of the 70s motto :
   Think Globally and Act Locally.
                      Thank You !