
Phyllis McCoy – Workshop
Mar 24 @ 1:00 pm – 4:30 pm

“Creation from Stem to Stern”

We’ve evolved to a point that what we need, dream & desire are accessible to us. However, we may need tools to re-calibrate, to release old beliefs. Come prepared to change – and celebrate!

Cost: $25

Tapping with Cindy Fritze
Jun 9 @ 12:00 pm

Cindy Fritze is offering monthly group sessions with EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) This is a system where one taps on the areas where the energy meridians cross in the body. The results are a calming on the brain, an interruption of thought processes that are troublesome. One can use this to change their attitude and rewire the emotions that go along with the attitudes they hold that are not beneficial. Says Cindy, “I highly advise anyone to try it on anything !!!! The effects are amazing!!! I have used this on many issues personally, effecting changes that are permanent.”

Tapping with Cindy Fritze
Aug 18 @ 12:00 pm

Cindy Fritze is offering monthly group sessions with EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) This is a system where one taps on the areas where the energy meridians cross in the body. The results are a calming on the brain, an interruption of thought processes that are troublesome. One can use this to change their attitude and rewire the emotions that go along with the attitudes they hold that are not beneficial. Says Cindy, “I highly advise anyone to try it on anything !!!! The effects are amazing!!! I have used this on many issues personally, effecting changes that are permanent.”

Tapping with Cindy Fritze
Sep 15 @ 1:00 pm – 1:15 pm

Cindy Fritze is offering monthly group sessions with EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) This is a system where one taps on the areas where the energy meridians cross in the body. The results are a calming on the brain, an interruption of thought processes that are troublesome. One can use this to change their attitude and rewire the emotions that go along with the attitudes they hold that are not beneficial. Says Cindy, “I highly advise anyone to try it on anything !!!! The effects are amazing!!! I have used this on many issues personally, effecting changes that are permanent.”

Phyllis McCoy – Workshop
Oct 26 @ 1:00 pm – 4:30 pm

“Creation from Stem to Stern”

We’ve evolved to a point that what we need, dream & desire are accessible to us. However, we may need tools to re-calibrate, to release old beliefs. Come prepared to change – and celebrate!

Cost: $25

Phyllis McCoy – Workshop
Jan 5 @ 12:30 pm – 4:00 pm

ANGELS AND MIRACLES : An afternoon of storytelling, with PHYLLIS MCCOY.

“Your stories and mine, in joy and inspired Community”

January 5, 2020, 12:30 – 4:00 p.m. Free will donation

Please join for an afternoon to share precious stories of the miracles in our lives, miracles that touch us deeply and change us forever. These events are common to people of all faiths. Sharing them draws us all together in common understanding.

Jan 26 @ 12:30 pm – 1:30 pm
Heart Healing Sampler
Feb 29 @ 10:00 am – 3:00 pm

Receive (4) 15-20 minute sessions with separate practitioners:

  • Read your Akashic Record
  • Reiki session
  • Emotion Code therapy
  • Connect with loved one(s) who have passed on

Cost: $40.00 for all 4 sessions

Rummage Sale Drop-off
May 29 @ 10:00 am – 1:00 pm


Please do NOT donate anything broken, stained, or incomplete. NO shoes,

and preferably no winter clothing. Save books, DVDs, and CDs for our fall sale.

And NO technology of any kind, including computers/laptops/tablets/printers/

phones/chargers, etc. No large furniture.

Please DO donate the following: Jewelry, art of all kinds, dishes, linens, kitchen

items, small appliances, antiques and collectibles, candles, yard and garden items

and clothing. If you have a question about a donation, see Jasmine at church or

email her at: [email protected]

Sunday Service: Community Meeting
Jun 5 @ 10:30 am – 11:30 am
We will be having a Community Meeting next Sunday June 5th at 10:30 in place of our regular service.
As your board of trustees, we feel that it’s time to check in and both let you know how things are going with our journey into an evolving Unity ministry, as well as discussing pulling our spiritual
community together post-Covid.
Lisa Cerri, our board Unity liaison, will share info and updates, and there will also be time for questions, discussion, and suggestions.
The board will serve lunch after the service, so please plan to stay and visit with your church friends.
Please note that this service will NOT be available on Zoom until after the fact. Since this will be an interactive meeting, we would really like to encourage folks to be here in person.
The service will be available on Youtube early the following week, as usual.
We will also have a little task that day: finishing the clean-up from the rummage sale. Since ‘many hands make light work’, we’re hoping the task will go quickly while we visit, and then folks can drop donations at local charities at their convenience.
We look forward to seeing you at our community meeting.