We’ve evolved to a point that what we need, dream & desire are accessible to us. However, we may need tools to re-calibrate, to release old beliefs. Come prepared to change – and celebrate!
Cindy will be speaking about and demonstrating EFT – Emotional Freedom Technique – which is a system where one taps on the areas where the energy meridians cross in the body. The results are a feeling of calmness, and an interruption of thought processes that are troublesome. One can use this technique to change unhelpful attitudes and rewire the emotional patterns that accompany those attitudes. Says Cindy of EFT, “I highly advise anyone to try it on anything! The effects are amazing! I have used this on many issues personally, effecting changes that are permanent.”
Dave writes: “I am discovering that my specific ‘mission’ here on this Earth this go-around is to be a messenger. The main message coming to me currently is about the love of the Universe, of the
Great Spirit for all things in and on and of our Earth. This is the relationship we are to striving to be in with one another and all of creation.”