
Sunday: Kogi Video Documentary
Jan 29 @ 10:30 am – 12:00 pm

Aluna – An Ecological Warning by the Kogi People 2012

The Kogi are the last surviving civilization from the world of the Tairona, and their cities in the Sierra Nevada mountains of Columbia are untouched by our world.

Their spiritual leaders are raised in the dark for their first 18 years, to communicate with “ALUNA”, the thought process that shapes and maintains reality, the source of life and intelligence. They then become Mamos (Enlightened Ones).

Some work at remote places which they call “hot spots” they call Esuanas, where they believe living energy pours into the world. They guard their isolation and secrecy so that they can continue this work.

This film is 90 minutes long. We may break at 1 hour and come back after lunch.

Sunday Speaker: Mary Lyons
Mar 5 @ 10:30 am – 11:30 am
Mary Lyons, Ojibwe Elder, Niish-Nibi-Ikwe “Second Water Woman.”
She is an Elder of Mitigwakk-Daywaygus-Giwstashskad “Water Drum Circle” and
Senior Member of the “Top Hat Medicine Dress/Long Skirt Society.”
She is a Spiritual Advisor, Storyteller and Wisdom Teacher.
We are honored, excited and grateful to receive her message and her presence.
We say Thank you and Miigwetch.